Wednesday, September 8, 2010

JuST ANothEr DAy

So I've been a bit under the weather and this weather really isn't helping things. But it's not like I could miss class to recoup, this ain't secondary school. Everything is timed; explicit times for food, busing-train systems, classes, late is late and I'm going to have to get used to that. Back home 2pm meant 3pm and everyone subconsciously agreed well, except the ones planning the events at the time. Lol, could remember the church days when the pastor reminded us to get to church earlier, I wonder if that's still going on. But yea today was fun as basically every day has been. If it wasn't for this sore throat I'd say that so far my experiences here have been generally wonderful - homework stress of course.

Uhh woke up at 8 for an 8:35 class, well before you start calling me lazy this class wasn't mandatory. Going today meant that I wouldn't have to go to my original class the same time on FRIDAY. This means I only have one class then!! Was a biomedical engineering class and we're still doing MS excel tutorials. WOuld prefer if we were doing actual biomed things but that's ok. I'm actually enjoying this major, was hesitant at first but after reading the textbook and being at a few classes, I'm beginning to like it more and more. Dr. Daniel? Grandmas would be proud. I've watched so many medical shows and seeing the headaches and heartaches they have to suffer made me swear that I wouldn't go into that profession. I can remember saying that I wouldn't want to become a doctor because I couldn't see myself spending day in and day out in a hospital unattached from the outside world. I want to experience this world and I thought that becoming a doctor would hinder that. Would always be tethered to a gurney or a stethoscope but I don't think that way anymore. I love helping people, being someone that they could depend on. Someone they could come to for advice or just rant if needed and being a doctor would make those instances perennial.

What doctor you ask? Well, back in the day at SMC I wanted to do radiology. I don't know but the thought of working with X-rays and radiation appealed to me. Lol, that's all I knew and still know actually and I'm currently over it. Maybe my fixation with being the next spiderman or hulk had something to do with it. Radiology...can't see myself doing that now. Now my thoughts are on neurology~neurosurgery; specializing in age-related illnesses. My biomedical engineering specialization is neural engineering so I'm already preparing for the "head"ache that is neurology. You got that right? Lol. But yes, growing up I spent a lot of time with the old folks, my grandparents, my great grandmother, who is still alive by the way at the ripe strong age of 90sumn, can't quite remember. I wouldn't want to experience any period in our futures where neither of them remember me. To ask; who are you again or what are you doing here or are you sure you're my grandson? Honestly these words would kill me. I spent a lifetime with these people, mis abuelas, and to have them waste away to nothing...I don't even want to imagine. Especially my grandmothers, who took care of me from babe to now...I love them too much to have them suffer and this would be a way to help prevent that if possible. Hence, neurology; good enough reason? I just hate suffering, hate when my close familIy and friends suffer and even the unknown man or woman on the corner street, begging for sustenance. The woman who has an uncanny resemblance to my great-aunt or one of the women in my community. Hurts me to see them like this, and any way I could help I would. Can't do so at this moment but don't worry, I'm preparing for the days when I can. Btw, was late for biomed if you didn't guess.

After that class it was quickly off to object-oriented programming, a Computer Science course at 10-11:15. The class was sort of interesting, as interesting as basic programming could be. We're learning Java programming and this kinda burns me because I told myself that I'd learn it for summers upon summers, eons before I knew that I'd be heading to this university. Back when I was in form 5, after the radiology phase, I wanted to do computer science. I liked IT and it did peek my interest. So I did research on universities and one school I liked was NYU; the university of new york. Java programming was going to be taught and if you were already proficient then you'd get bumped up to the big boy classes. Never got around to learning and NYU was just a dream. But that's definitely okay now; things come to those who wait and I'm quite the patient guy, maybe a bit too patient? So back to the class, we're just in the initial stages, declaring variables, learning about operator precedence, data types(double, char, boolean and so on). So far so good, I believe that I will enjoy this class.

After CS I had chem at 11:25-12:40. We had an exam today!!! Did I even know we had one to do? Nuh-ooope. But it wasn't bad, just 3 multiple choice questions and one calculation, about molecules, amu and compounds. Simple cxc stuff for now. These things were drilled into me from form 3 -5 so they're still there although hard to reach. I like the teacher, not like-like but she's cool, always has problems with the projector and laptop, but that makes class even more entertaining. Gonna have to go to office hours to brush up.

Lunch was food galore lol...We have only two meals a day, and the meals are unlimited...unlimited!!! You can take whatever you want, refills upon refills as long as your gut can bare it. Sadly being in this sickened state I wasn't able to take as much as I'd usually do. bUt I think I'm eating too much anyway, don't want a big belly lol. Had a veggie wrap, and some bread with meat whatever meat that was and strawberry shortcake. ALso orange juice and lots of it; my only medicine right now, tasty medicine that is, theraflu's here too.

After lunch, quickly rushed to my dorm(lol, I have a dorm) to finish some math homework for my following class at 3:15. DId as much as I could while talking to some family and family friends in the process. Don't think those connections will ever be severed. Got to class a minute late and luckily the role was still being called when I walked in. SO far math has been about vectors; dot products, cross products and equations of the plane (today's topic). A level thingies which I did quite good in so they aren't much trouble, just gotta go over. Main differences though are the way they write their vectors <> instead of my traditional () and right angled vectors are called orthogonals. Just a new name that's all. My professor is an aged man of many many seasons and he calls sums exciting lol and tries to make the class interesting using his innate querkiness. JOkes are typically dry though lol but he tries. Always looks at us like he wants approval. DOn't think he's married lol.

After class was dinner at 5, can't quite remember what it was, oh yea had a grilled cheese sandwich, potatoes, pork, a turkey sandwich, string beans and orange juice!! YEa felt reaaalllyy big after that. So, I took some time to myself and then I went to the gym. Seeing that monday was labor day, I had to restructure my training so today was back exercises. DOn't think I strained myself or anything because I wasn't 100%. DId enough to constitute an okay workout 2mrw will be chest.

Did a bit more socializing after that, went to 7-11 which is on campus, had no money so went to the center court, bought a turkey sub and protein vanilla milk drink with my bonus points. Ahh bonus points, quite convenient but I don't want to be abusing it. I've already spent and eaten enough. Couldnt even eat the entire thing had to give the rest to a buddy of mine who is another case all by himself(subsequently people, don't be impatient). And now I am here, oh and I think there's a bug passing cuz one of us was in pretty bad shape, vomiting and the works and another's not too good. Hope it doesn't last.

And now I'm here, ready to say goodnight and good morning to all the readers. This was just a typical day, more exciting stuff to come. Just remembered after gym before 7-11 I spent sometime at a "root beer social" one of the events organized to let ppl meet ppl. GOt there late but it was still fun all the same; throwing ping pong balls into empty glasses. OK, ok that's enough, I need rest.

Goodnight and have a positive energy-filled day....

1 comment:

  1. That was an unbelievably long post lol. And why I hadn't commented on it earlier I really don't know.

    It was a nice read..

    Seeing how you were a year ago. You seem so excited about school. And the CAF food.. lol .. it's hard to believe that you once had something Nice to say about it lol. To tell you the truth, I think they cook their best meals at the beginning of the semesters to try to impress the students and parents. Then it all goes down hill from there.

    I'm glad you're still training. And getting other people to gym as well. Kudos !

    I really want to know what things are like for you now... Blog some more Aurum. 10 months is FAR to long to go without talking about your day in Such detail. =)

    I know right now you're busy with summer courses, and that it's a bit hectic.. But you'll make it. Don't forget to have Fun. It IS summer after all. So enjoy Every Moment of it before winter comes running along.

    Take care

